Interested in Joining Saltair Quilters & Fiber Arts Group?
We call ourselves the Saltair Quilters but we don’t just quilt, we knit, crochet, embroider, stitch and bead.
We gather once a week, every Tuesday at the Saltair Community Centre, 3850 South Oyster School Rd, in Room 18, every Tuesday from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Please bring your own sewing machine, embroidering, knitting, beading, crocheting or crafting items.
The first time is free and subsequent visits are $5, which goes toward the rent we pay.
To provide the highest level of safety to all our members, it is our group’s consensus that all attendees provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination. Thank you for your consideration.
New members are always welcome. Our group provides inspiration, encouragement, helpful advice, and socialization.
Please drive along the lane at the right side of the building to the very rear parking lot of the center. Park in available stalls and enter through the blue doors. Disabled parking is marked. See photo below.