Saltair Quilters & Fiber Arts

Interested in Joining Saltair Quilters & Fiber Arts Group?

We call ourselves the Saltair Quilters but we don’t just quilt, we knit, crochet, embroider, stitch and bead. The result of our efforts are always artistic and sometimes even useful.

Do you feel the need to socialize and craft? Please join us, bring a craft to work on.

We meet every Tuesday from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm at the Saltair Community Centre, Room #19  at 3850 South Oyster School Rd. First visit is free after that Drop-in Fee $7/week to help pay for the rental.

Please drive along the lane at the right of building to the very back of the center.  Park in available stalls and enter through the  blue doors. See photo below.

Saltair Community Centre rear wing parking lot and entrance access. Accessibility ramp and accessible parking. Photo by Tim Godau

The Group in action:


Saltair Quilters Canada 150 Quilt of Saltair

Saltair Quilt Canada 150th Celebration. What a masterpiece!

Saltair Quilter’s group participate in Saltair Community Centre’s Annual Winter Market. Its a wonderful opportunity to display and sell their custom creations!
Saltair Market Day
Busy Tuesday in Room 19 Saltair Fiber Artists

Saltair, BC