Groups in the Centre

Chemainus Art Group

The Chemainus Art Group is collaborative group of 60 plus artists that have formed a membership and a permanent home in Saltair Centre.

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Saltair Quilters & Fiber Arts Group

We call ourselves the Saltair Quilters but we don’t just quilt, we knit, crochet, embroider, stitch and bead. The result of our efforts are always artistic and sometimes even useful. 🙂

If you are interested in joining the group, please view “GROUPS IN THE CENTRE” at the Saltair Community Centre website: Saltair Community Centre

Yap and Yarn GroupArtists

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Inquiring Little Minds Daycare


Day Care Services

Inquiring Little Minds is dedicated to the provision of safe, well-managed day care services for children, provided by eight full and part-time, qualified, staff. Its goal is to stimulate independent growth, emotional growth, social growth, intellectual growth and physical growth among its charges.​

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Saltair, BC